Technical Assistance


CNPJ:   01.518.767/0002-50

IE: 377/0008814

ADDRESS: BR116, KM211, n.:1855 

CITY: Morro Reuter – RS

CEP: 93990-000

  Telephone:  +55 (51) 3598-1566 

  Whatsapp: +55 (51) 99190-9257 (messages only) 

Product Information

Description: Use in the product description the same name we use in sales invoices. Example: MMZ601NTH.

NCM: Use the same NCM as in our sales invoices. Example: 8537.10.20

Attention: We have several items with different NCM, so it is important that the NCM of the item is checked with the invoice, or if you prefer you can contact Tholz and ask the NCM to the technical support.

Invoices with NCM or wrong Product Description in shipment operations for repair will not be accepted, and it will be sent back to the sender.

CFOP: 5,915 for RS issuers and 6,915 for issuers outside RS.

Information on the invoice

Nature of Operation: Shipment of goods or goods for repair or repair.

Carrier: customer chooses the freight of shipment, return to PAC.

CIF or FOB freight: CIF, on account of the issuer (customer).

Warranty Term

Tholz Sistemas Eletrônicos guarantees to its products, from January 2016, the legal guarantee of 3 months, from the date of issue of the purchase invoice, which may be issued by Tholz Sistemas Eletrônicos itself or its distributors, and contractual guarantee of 9 months, counting from the end of the legal guarantee, totaling 12 months.

The products are guaranteed in case of manufacturing failure that makes them unsuitable or unsuitable for the applications for which they are intended. The warranty is limited to the maintenance of the instruments manufactured by Tholz Sistemas Eletrônicos, disregarding other types of expenses that occur as a result of such problem.

Loss of Warranty

The product shall automatically lose the warranty if:

  • The instructions for use and assemblies contained in the technical product manual are not observed;

  • Is subjected to conditions beyond its limits specified in its technical description;

  • Be violated or repaired by a person who is not part of the technical team of Tholz Electronic Systems;

  • Damage caused by falling, striking and or impact, water infiltration into parts not resistant to water, overload and/or atmospheric discharge;

  • Tholz controllers that have connection to other brand power supplies and/or reflectors, not manufactured by Tholz.

Exceptions to the guarantee

A garantia não cobre:

  • Transport costs for the dispatch of products showing defects or malfunctions to Technical Assistance;

  • Any cost of installing the product;

  • Natural wear of parts;

  • External damage caused by falls or improper packaging of products;

Use of the Warranty

To take advantage of the warranty, the customer must send the product properly packaged, together with the corresponding purchase invoice, to Tholz Electronic Systems. It should also include the name, address, e-mail and telephone contact.

It is also necessary to send as much information as possible regarding the occurrence detected, thus enabling the analysis, testing and execution of the service to be expedited.

For corporate clients, the maintenance must be accompanied by a shipping invoice for repair of CFOP 5915 for issuance within the state of Rio Grande do Sul and 6915 for other states.

These processes and the eventual maintenance of the product will only be carried out by the authorized Technical Assistance, BMT IND. E COM. DE MAQ. E EQUIP. ELETRO ELETRÔNICOS and it should be sent to the address – BR116, KM211, número: 1855 – Bairro: Picada São Paulo – CEP: 93990-000 – Morro Reuter – Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil.

BMT – Indústria e Comércio de Máquinas e Equipamentos Eletro Eletrônicos Ltda
CNPJ: 01.518.767/0001-70

Copyright 2023 Tholz | All rights reserved.

Technical Assistance


CNPJ:   01.518.767/0002-50

IE: 377/0008814

ADDRESS: BR116, KM211, n.:1855 

CITY: Morro Reuter – RS

CEP: 93990-000

  Telephone:  +55 (51) 3598-1566 

  Whatsapp: +55 (51) 99190-9257 (messages only) 

Product Information

Description: Use in the product description the same name we use in sales invoices. Example: MMZ601NTH.
NCM: Use the same NCM as in our sales invoices. Example: 8537.10.20

Attention: We have several items with different NCM, so it is important that the NCM of the item is checked with the invoice, or if you prefer you can contact Tholz and ask the NCM to the technical support. 

Invoices with NCM or wrong Product Description in shipment operations for repair will not be accepted, and it will be sent back to the sender.
CFOP: 5,915 for RS issuers and 6,915 for issuers outside RS.

Information on the invoice

Nature of Operation: Shipment of goods or goods for repair or repair.

Carrier: customer chooses the freight of shipment, return to PAC.

CIF or FOB freight: CIF, on account of the issuer (customer).

Warranty term

Tholz Sistemas Eletrônicos guarantees to its products, from January 2016, the legal guarantee of 3 months, from the date of issue of the purchase invoice, which may be issued by Tholz Sistemas Eletrônicos itself or its distributors, and contractual guarantee of 9 months, counting from the end of the legal guarantee, totaling 12 months.

The products are guaranteed in case of manufacturing failure that makes them unsuitable or unsuitable for the applications for which they are intended. The warranty is limited to the maintenance of the instruments manufactured by Tholz Sistemas Eletrônicos, disregarding other types of expenses that occur as a result of such problem.

Loss of warranty

The product shall automatically lose the warranty if:

  • The instructions for use and assemblies contained in the technical product manual are not observed;

  • Is subjected to conditions beyond its limits specified in its technical description;

  • Be violated or repaired by a person who is not part of the technical team of Tholz Electronic Systems;

  • Damage caused by falling, striking and or impact, water infiltration into parts not resistant to water, overload and/or atmospheric discharge; 

  • Tholz controllers that have connection to other brand power supplies and/or reflectors, not manufactured by Tholz.

Exceptions to the guarantee

The guarantee does not cover:

  • Transport costs for the dispatch of products showing defects or malfunctions to Technical Assistance;

  • Any cost of installing the product;

  • Natural wear of parts;

  • External damage caused by falls or improper packaging of products;.

Use of the warranty

To take advantage of the warranty, the customer must send the product properly packaged, together with the corresponding purchase invoice, to Tholz Electronic Systems. It should also include the name, address, e-mail and telephone contact.

It is also necessary to send as much information as possible regarding the occurrence detected, thus enabling the analysis, testing and execution of the service to be expedited.

For corporate clients, the maintenance must be accompanied by a shipping invoice for repair of CFOP 5915 for issuance within the state of Rio Grande do Sul and 6915 for other states.

These processes and the eventual maintenance of the product will only be carried out by the authorized Technical Assistance, BMT IND. E COM. DE MAQ. E EQUIP. ELETRO ELETRÔNICOS and it should be

Copyright 2023 Tholz | All rights reserved.